Did your adoption cross borders or involve DE or NJ? Some did!

If your adoption involved PA and another state, you may need this info. Some Jersey girls and DE gals came here to give birth, and once in a while, a PA baby got adopted elsewhere too.

The key in search is often where the baby got adopted TO since that's often where the paperwork will reside. Still, we know, for example, that Delaware moms came to Florence Crittendon Homes here in PA when the DE ones were full in the 60's. In any case, if you know your search happened in the Eastern tri-state area, you may need this info if you determine other states were involved.

If you want PA info, please click here.

Information for anyone interested in rights, search, support.


WORLD'S LARGEST FREE REGISTRY Open to anyone touched by adoption. They are volunteer run and now online -you can click here. Send a donation if you can. If you find the site inoperable, you can still send a self-addressed stamped envelope to them and get their registration form:

ISRR (International Soundex Reunion Registry)
P.O. Box 2312
Carson City, Nevada 89702


MASSIVE FREE REGISTRY - David Grey's Worldwide Registry, which will broadcast your search to different sites and mailing lists. Click here.


(Members include adoptees and associate member birthparents who support open records. Includes some sharp and funny adoption humor.)
Give a click on Bastard Nation.


You may also want to consult the web or your phone book for other search and support resources including Concerned United Birthparents, American Adoption Congress, Council for Equal Rights in Adoption, and other organizations that will appreciate what it means to give up a child, or to have no personal or medical history. You are not alone, and will be empowered to be a part of a group and see this concretely. Good luck.


Adoptees can obtain their original birth certificates from the state registrar in Dover in 65 days, IF:

•no birthparent veto has been filed in 3 years
•there is no response or a positive response to a notification letter


There is no state registry. A large free private one is here or snail mail:
Delaware Reunion Registry
P.O. Box 972
Dover DE 19903-0972

Search and support is available at Finders Keepers
Toll Free- 1-877-834-8889
or here.


Online support and search email list is available here.

New Jersey

Orignal birth certificate with court order only, decided on case by case basis.

If adoptee born before Nov. 19, 1940 some records MAY be obtainable via Surrogates Court in county where adoptive parents lived at time of adoption.

Birthparents should attempt to file waivers of confidentiality with their former agencies, attorneys, and the NJ state registrar:

Registrar of Vital Statistics
P.O. Box 370
Trenton, NJ 08625-0370

Legislation and info on current addresses of agencies may be gotten from the NJ Coalition for Openness in Adoption, by writing to Phasegawa@erols.com or JaneNast@compuserve.com

Support and search help through OASIS (Organization for Adoptees - Search and Individual Support) website here.

Online search and support mailing list is right here.

If adoption went thru DYFS there is a DYFS registry for mutual consent. You can write to :

Delores Helb
DYFS Adoption Registry
P.O. Box 717
Trenton, NJ 08625-0717

and the registry website is here.

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